Leaders in Training Make Life Maps
A quiet camp activity to build trust in LITS
Life Maps
This activity is a great one to do with Leaders In Training (you may call them C.I.T.s); it takes about an hour and a half. You will need a large sheet of newsprint per person and lots of scissors (one per person, if you can), glue and magazines (a couple of boxes). Ask each person to take a look at the magazines and rip or cut out all the words and pictures that speak to them. Ask them not to think about it too much, just react. They will then glue all of them onto their sheet of newsprint. This takes about an hour. They will enjoy discussing all the things they find, the ads in the magazines, and the search. It is a good idea to play some upbeat music in the background.
When they are finished, ask them to pair up with someone they do not know very well and share their “map of life”. Ask them to explain why they chose it and why it is displayed as it is.
After both partners have had a chance to share, ask them to take a few moments to examine their own work. Ask them to decide what is important to them, what is missing in their life and what they want to change. Have them write these ideas in their journals.