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Tool of the Week - Common - CampHacker #12

Last summer I was introduced to the work of Alex Bogusky by a couple of good friends. I sat and watched some of the video's on Fearless Revolution and became re-enchanted with the world of advertising and how it connects to us who choose to do summer camp for a life.

A COMMON STORY from m ss ng p eces on Vimeo.

Mr. Bogusky has created - with others, a new concept - a new brand - called Common.  From the site:

COMMON is all about connecting people with good ideas to like-minded creative professionals who will help launch their socially beneficial businesses. Our community is dedicated to shifting from the tired old concept of competitive advantage to a more meaningful system of collaborative advantage. We believe that a single brand with shared values can spin off hundreds - if not thousands - of progressive businesses that spread love and prosperity to all stakeholders.

I have been searching for the "future of summer camp" not just for where I am at, but for all of summer camp - as an industry.  This is another puzzle piece that fits into my head and into my weekly reading.

It is an unconventional tool - but one we should all have in our heads.

Dreaming of Camp,

Joe Richards