Camp Consultant
Camp Consultant Beth Allison
Beth Allison is a committed summer camp professional who makes summer camp leaders awesome.
Beth has an unique mind in the camp industry - she creates a level of purpose for her clients that drive staff to truly take care of their campers.
Beth's work focusses on creating amazing staff training sessions. Staff leave her presentations with a knowledge and comfort with their jobs that inspires them to look after their campers (and each other) with compassion.
Check out Beth's free podcast focussed on staff training: Camp Code
You can reach Beth at:
Brilliant Summer Camp Staff Training
Check out some of Beth's presentations!
From THERE to HERE, Building Resiliency in Teens
Stand (1.5 hour session asking staff or teen campers what they stand for)
STAND (5 hours+ teen leadership program)
Legacy (1.5 hour session for staff)
Here's to You (my "TED talk")
A Purposeful Life
Do Not Prepare the Path for the Child, Prepare the Child for the Path
True Colours (facilitator)
The Importance of Self-Esteem in Your Campers
Servant Leadership (Christian Camps)
H.O.M.E. (creating a staff that feels safe and is ready to serve)
The Window Project
The Happiness Project
80,000 by 5 (how girls are affected by media)
TIME and SPACE (what leaders need to grow)
The Nature of Nurturing (Happy and Productive Staff)
RENOVATE (8 hour program for young women)
I'm Still (for Christian Camps)
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