Camp Alumni - CampHacker #25

How Do We Best Look After Our Summer Camp Alumni?

1. CampHacker-podcast-2012.jpg

Our summer camp alumni are such a huge part of our camp community.   They support us as directors, they give us new energy and they are camp's best ambassadors. In this week's CampHacker we talk about ways that our camps have reached out to their alumni - for big anniversary events (such as Ouareau's 90th last month), for fundraising (such as Pearce Williams' upcoming building project) and to build word of mouth. Thank you to Natasha Dunn of Cairn Camp's Alumni committee for joining us for this week's show.

What do you do to keep in touch with your camp alumni?

Tool of the Week – make yourself a better Camp Director

(please note: Amazon products are affiliate links)

Your Hosts:

Thanks for the evening, friends.