Mid-Season Inservice Training - Camp Code #105

One of the best ways to dedicate your team to continuous improvement!

Believe it or not, staff training doesn’t end on the last day of your orientation. In fact, a great strategy to keep staff engaged, motivated, and excited throughout the summer–and fight off those mid-summer-slumps–is to continually offer training and learning opportunities as the season progresses.

Today’s episode focuses on some of our best ideas for conducting training throughout the summer.

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Best Practice for Leadership Training

From Ruby

Collect information from your staff! One way that I did it was that I would put up a piece of paper that is in the staff lounge/workspace within easy access for all staff and ask the questions “What would you’d like to be discussed during the next staff meeting?” By doing it this way, staff could anonymously fill them out and then I could choose things that were important for the next meeting. Often, I would bring up the topics and check them off on a list in front of the staff to show the staff that I value their feedback.

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