10+ Maintenance Skills Every Camp Director Needs to Know - CampHacker #135

Because you wear many hats as a Camp Pro - and one of them is often a hard-hat!

As a Camp Pro, there will be a time when either you won’t have a maintenance team, or there will be too many things that need to be fixed.

When that time comes, you can either pay for someone to come in OR roll up your sleeves and get to work.

That being said, most Camp Pros don’t get into the industry with a background in maintenance. And while we’re not suggesting you take time off to do a bunch of apprenticeships, some basic maintenance will definitely go a long way!

Gabz, Chris, Joe and Travis huddle up to bring you their most useful maintenance skills that will both save you money and leave you with that sense of satisfaction that comes from fixing something yourself.

What is your most used maintenance skill at camp? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis: Franz App

ChrisNative Land app and website

Gabz: Chainsaw 

Joe: Picquic Screwdriver - “If Chuck Norris was a screwdriver, he would be a Picquic.”

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