Getting Stuck & Unstuck - CampHacker #142

Never ever ever ever ever ever say “We’ve always done it this way” again.

How often do you feel stuck in a rut?

Becuase of this year, because of the work, because of the stress, there are always reasons to get stuck, but being a true Camp Maverick means that you’re quick to recognize those moments, and quick to being the process of “unstucking” yourself.

Chris, Gabz, Travis and Joe have felt this many times in their camping careers. They join together to share their favourite strategies and biggest learning moments when it comes to getting stuck, and unstuck.


What do you do when you’re stuck? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis: Yaktrax Pro Traction Cleats for Walking, Jogging, or Hiking on Snow and Ice, X-Large

Joe: The Align Right™ Sleeping Pillow - The Pillow that fits your head, not your bed.

Gabz: Blue Light Blocking Glasses


Your Hosts:

Thanks to our sponsor!


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