13 Industry Experts, 13 Tips for New Camp Directors - CampHacker #197

New and new-ish Camp Directors, this one is for you. Kick some butt this summer.

There are a TON of full-time camp professionals that have entered the industry post-COVID.

For those of us that have been around for a while, we know how incredibly difficult the first few years of the job are. You’re figuring out what this level of responsibility means for you and your team and with problems emerging, it can really feel like a whack-a-mole type of situation.

So - Travis asked fellow camp podcasters to combine their joint 200+ years of full-time directing to distill their best pieces of advice for people just like you.

You’ve got these 13 (and many more) people behind you - so get out there and do what you do!

We’re grateful to the following people for sharing their tips:


Your Hosts - In order of “appearance”:


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