What Inspires You to Be a Better Camp Pro? - CampHacker #112

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Podcast: Subscribe in iTunes | Stitcher

Tools, Podcasts, Books and Strategies for Sustainability as a Camp Pro

One of the best things about being a long time camp pro is that every year, we essentially find ourselves doing the same cycle over and over again. While this can be tiring, even exhausting, if we think about it another way, it’s also an incredible opportunity to get better and better without (too many) extremely large learning curves.

In your search for consistent improvement, the CampHacker crew wants to help! In this episode, Travis, Joe and Gab are joined by the wonderful Ruby Compton (Yes! THAT Ruby from Camp Code!). These four pros join forces to share their sources of inspiration that help them find the drive, motivation and sustainability to innovate their camp, and the entire industry year after year.

Below, is a list of most of what is covered from this episode. We included it for you, yes, you, who are awesome and read the show notes! Here you are, you awesome person, you!


Audio Books

Inner Camp Industry Inspirations

What do you do for fun?

  • Joe

    • Light big fires, make things go boom (Email Joe and ask about his potato cannons)

    • Go to the movies by yourself

    • Woodworking and art without a specific direction in mind

  • Ruby

    • Getting outside

    • Geocaching (App or App-less!)

    • Take yourself on a date

    • DIY Youtube projects

  • Travis

    • Drawing portraits and things that challenge him artistically

    • Woodworking, building and Youtube DIY videos

    • Travel to broaden your perspective

  • Gab

    • Watercolour painting

    • Museum trips

    • Listening to yourself to figure out what you “feel” like doing

Assorted Thoughts:

  • Looking at how libraries are reinventing themselves to “get with the times”

  • Starting with a morning reading ritual

  • Take a vacation. No seriously. No phone, no email, take the time to take the time.

    • Remember that you are not your job and camp is not you. You need freedom to develop yourself properly.

  • Magazine (or podcast) subscriptions (see above), not just summer camp, and not just non-fiction related material.

  • Using the idea that “We need to be better” and looking at how other non-camp people are changing the world and using their developments

  • Be brave and make waves in the industry. People might not always like you, or your ideas, but that’s okay.

  • Inspirational Instagram Feeds - Representation Matters, Because Of Them, etc.

  • Deep thinking on your own without the internet to help.

What tools and mindsets do you use to help yourself be a better camp pro? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis: Wyze Cam

Gabz: The Noun Project

Joe: Time Timer

Ruby: Yoga Chimes

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